Wedding Day & BTS


It’s been 2 weeks since my wedding!!! I replay that day over and over again in my head. I look at pictures again and again.  I do this because, beside it being an unforgettable day, I want to relive it. So I decided to share with you some things about this magical day.

I decided not to Vlog on the day of my wedding because I wanted to be present in the moment. I must confess even though Diego and I tried not to get into our heads too much, we were really anxious  and nervous for the day! It’s literally so much pressure for things to come out “perfect.” Since the beginning all we kept saying was, “As long as the food and the music are good, we won’t sweat the small things.

Friday 8/31/18, Diego and I woke up knowing it was the BIG DAY!  Yet we tried to be cool and treat it like any other day! We went to the gym and I did a yoga class.  After, I went to the Hydro therapy spa with my sister. I knew I wanted to start that day as calm as possible. Later, I went to have lunch by one of grilles near the beach and quickly went to the room to start getting ready. To cut cost I did my own makeup, which weeks before I was freaking out.  I thought I would be so nervous that my hand would shake as I tried to do my eyeliner. Needless to say, it came out perfect!!! This was because I was calm and because I took like 2 hours to do it! I also cut cost on my hair by asking one of the guest who is a hairstylist to do my hair.  As you can see by the pictures of this special day, she did a fantastic job. I had ordered room service to bring a few sandwiches and drinks for my beautiful bridesmaids to have while getting ready. After a few hours and a couple of pictures taken by the lovely and awesome Abbie (another way we cut cost, since we have pro cameras we asked her to take the photos for us.) She did a wonderful job!!! (Thank you Abbie!)


Oh, I almost forgot, my niece also had to get her ears pierced.  Again, Abbie who is a RN came to the rescue and repriced her ears within seconds. After the somewhat chaos, I was left alone in the room for about 20 minutes waiting for my wedding Coordinator to come and take me to the ceremony location. Those 20 minutes seemed endless! I was pacing and sipping on the open bottle of champagne and repeating my vows which were only like 2 sentences (I get really nervous when I have to speak in front of people.) Once I arrived at the location, I was fine.  My only worry was falling since I was going to walk on sand with wedge heels, so I told my dad, “Don’t let me fall!” LOL!!!  During the ceremony it was a very surreal moment and OMG the justice of the peace was saying things that spoke to the heart and I was fighting back my tears so much! I remember Diego squeezing my hands and looking into my eyes like “You got this, don’t cry!” Afterwards, I turn around and saw all of my bridesmaids in tears even my 13 year niece was crying! After the ceremony we took pictures with the guests and onto the reception!

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The reception went even faster, literally felt like an hour! (In reality it was 3 hours.)  The food was delicious and after a few speeches from the guest, we opened up the dance floor and didn’t stop dancing.  I really would have liked the DJ to mix songs in order for us to dance as many songs as possible. Diego was requesting songs, I didn’t because I was just dancing the night away. Even though people were sweating through their clothes they kept dancing and afterwards we cut the cake, tossed the bouquet and the event was over! Our guest went to the club but I had to go to our room to change because I did not want to go in my wedding dress. Once we got to the club the vibe was not the same for Diego and I, we were tired. That night, was the first night I had a deep sleep. The next morning I woke, questioning what had happened the night before! Lol. In the end, it was a perfect night for us!  Our wedding day will live in our memories forever.

My advice for future brides is no to sweat the small things take moments in the day to take it all in and be present in the moment.  Definitely take some time for yourself to relax and trust that everything will work out. Don’t allow anything or anyone to ruin YOUR MAGICAL DAY!




  1. Salina
    September 15, 2018 / 4:38 PM

    Thank you for sharing….. loved your photogenic memory. I was in the moment of being a guest there. Congratulations to you Sheila and Diego. May this be the beginning of a lifetime of happy memories for you both…… XoxoxoxoxoMauh

    • Shey
      September 16, 2018 / 2:26 PM

      Thank you for reading this Salina! I’m glad I was able to take you on that journey with me by creating this blog post 😘

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